Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Looking into the ground, the beauty that once was, now filled with weeds, much like my soul. Thoughts of disgust fill my insides as I look into the gardens, neglected, over-run. I pray for God to send me words, speak to me, as I begin the process that will bring pain to back, arms and legs. To give me Grace for the day, the journey, that seems to have no end, no Joy-

On the pursuit of Happiness, the journey could be long if one expects to find it without the willing mind, heart, soul to truly search.
I've gotten lost, forgot what it is that I'm seeking. His Grace is here, His Faithfulness no end. I'm wondering how this happened. In dreading each day, wondering how I will proceed, find joy, I forget to look at the finer things. Life, these boys, this husband, home. Happiness truly is in the eye of the beholder. Don't forget to seek it...
God, if this is the place you need me, help me find happiness in it, remember your promise, accept your Grace for the day.
(photos - out of place pumpkin vines, unattended Friendship Garden)