I believe God has a plan, his promise was that, a future, with Hope...plans to prosper, and not to harm. It was only for a moment he was mine to hold. So many prayers I prayed for him, as an infant I held him while christened, promised to teach him Love, Faith, Hope...prayed over him while he was young, near death's door, prayed over this child to follow the Father, obey, believe Him, His word, His truth, when he began to drive, now as he begins his future...I prayed for my love to give him roots, to help him find his wings. I'll have tears as he takes off, but I'll cheer as he flies...
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6

Cody with best friend Mason. My wish is that each Mother should be so fortunate to have such a fine young man be a friend to her son...

Oh how bittersweet it is....letting go to let God do His work in and through you and your son. Now is the test to trusting God with ALL your heart for He is a jealous God and putting Him first brings His best to all involved. I rejoice with you as your son becomes independent and his wings begin to take him to another level of discovery. God's peace be with thee and family, Blessings, rilda *U*
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