Dear God, show us the road that you have chosen for us, and give us the courage to walk down it... Amen
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Going with Tessie to get pretty hair extensions Baseball practice Soccer practice Baby shower for "Gracie" home to work on my patterns Rid the car of last Sunday's salt remnants Enjoy 70 + degrees.
Slow me down me find Grace, Hope, Joy in this day. Where will you find Joy today?
Doing many of the same things you are today.....except the hair extensions.. off to baseball...Walmart for a few odds and ends....having my grandsons over to play in the afternoon.....AND....trying to figure out Picturetrail and whether it is something I want to try???? Bless you this day sweet friend.....Karen
Have a GREAT day!! I am doing about the same!! Jazz Band Concert this morning had to be there are 8:00 a.m.!! ZZZZZ!!! LOL!! And then working on lights today and filling orders and then off to church tom. AND the time changes for us an "SPRING" an hour ahead!!! More ZZZZ.....!!! LOL!!! Have a great weekend and enjoy your fabulous weather!!! FLIP-FLOPPIN'DAYSSSSS.............!!!
HEY, I'm jealous...We don't have 70 degree weather yet but almost 60...Everything is FINALLY melting...I'm taking Mr. BeauJ for a L-O-N-G walk now and go play in the brook...Just to feel the Sun on my face will be uplifting!!! Much love to You Sherry...M
In my home trying to catch up on swaps:) I've looked on your blog for a link to your website but can't find it.
Thank you for keeping my son in your prayers I do so appreciate it.
Doing many of the same things you are today.....except the hair extensions..
off to baseball...Walmart for a few odds and ends....having my grandsons over to play in the afternoon.....AND....trying to figure out Picturetrail and whether it is something I want to try???? Bless you this day sweet friend.....Karen
Have a GREAT day!! I am doing about the same!! Jazz Band Concert this morning had to be there are 8:00 a.m.!! ZZZZZ!!! LOL!! And then working on lights today and filling orders and then off to church tom. AND the time changes for us an "SPRING" an hour ahead!!! More ZZZZ.....!!! LOL!!!
Have a great weekend and enjoy your fabulous weather!!! FLIP-FLOPPIN'DAYSSSSS.............!!!
Love Ya.........
HEY, I'm jealous...We don't have 70 degree weather yet but almost 60...Everything is FINALLY melting...I'm taking Mr. BeauJ for a L-O-N-G walk now and go play in the brook...Just to feel the Sun on my face will be uplifting!!!
Much love to You Sherry...M
Oh sounds fun. Hair extensions huh?? Send me a pic.
Stop bragging about the high temps there.
Love ya,
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