- a woman who can be a successful wife and have a professional career at the same time
The successful career part isn't me, but working 13 hours a day after being home for 13 years certainly entitles me to something-
(I'll let you know how it works out for me)
Just a quick post to say nothing really...I'm sure missing this, you all.
Slow me down Lord-

You DON'T have to prove your 'Wonder Woman' Sherry...Your a Wonderous Women to those you Love & who Love you!!! Like you say "Slow me Down Lord"...Travel Slower my Friend...Wish I Did!!!
With Much Love...Marilyn
My Dear, Darling Sherry....You have had a career, for 13 years, and a very successful one at that.....Being a mother and wife, creating a wonderful and warm home for your husband and boys...and guess what?? That very successful career continues, because while you are working 13 hours a day, you are still doing all that you can to provide the same warm, loving home that you always have! Don't worry about your Offerings or your charts, they will happen and we will all still be here waiting with great anticipation, because we know how wonderful it will all be....there is nothing that you have to prove, you prove it every day, by being you and living your life as you do....you are Wonder Woman.....a Woman of God! Love you lots....Karen
Nope .. it's not fun to be working that many hours.
I hope God shows you a way for it to be different
Wonder Woman
I've been there, done that and there is NEVER time for mom
love ya
Enjoyed this!
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