Received many uplifting messages from my faraway friends, thank you...
I want you to be in prayer for a young man in Florida now. He's having some health issues, and I'm waiting on his Mama to give me more details. I Love you Betty!
I also watched last nights episode of "Army Wives", oh, I'm loving that show somethin terrible. I loaded a new song to my play list..."I'll carry you home". Pull it up, it's a really good one. Tomorrow I'll try to get back on track posting in the a.m. Good night my friends. Say your prayers, be thankful, and praise God in all circumstances...
My Joy for today, was waking up and remembering God's Promise...
-Jeremiah 18:4 (NRSV)
LAST Christmas I received a gift certificate for lessons at our local pottery shop. I was thrilled. I envisioned myself creating a multitude of lovely handcrafted items. The reality was very different. On my first day, I gathered up a fist-sized lump of cold, wet clay and attempted to center it on the wheel. Listening to my instructor, I tried to apply a gentle hand as the clay spun around under my fingers. I discovered that even the slightest pressure could cause the clay to completely shift its shape.
I gradually learned to gently smooth the sides and formed my first bowl. Then disaster struck; my hand slipped, my fingers jabbed the pliable clay, and my newly formed bowl collapsed. "It isn't too late," my teacher said. "You can still make something beautiful out of this clay."
Jeremiah describes God as a potter who sees endless possibilities for God's creations. Even when we would give up on ourselves as misshapen or ruined, God whispers, "I am not through with you yet." When we submit ourselves to God's touch and allow our lives to be shaped by love, God can make something beautiful out of each of us.