The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
-Hebrews 4:12
Patricia B. Sawyer - Indiana,-Hebrews 4:12
Like many others, I have become more careful about my diet. Recently, as I watched a video on how to eat properly, I was surprised to learn that not only is what we eat important, but so too is how we eat. Our saliva contains special enzymes that aid in digestion. If we swallow before we have sufficiently chewed our food, these enzymes do not mix with our food, preventing our bodies from getting the full benefit of what we eat.
As I was reading the Bible later that day, it occurred to me that a similar process also applies to reading God's word. If we read the Bible regularly and think about its meaning for us, it can nourish us and abide in us as it was designed to do. It will reach our hearts and reveal God to us. We can then see how we measure up to God's purpose for our lives and how the events in our lives are evidence of God's work.
As we allow God's word to abide in us, we can move out to teach and encourage others. Then they too can be nourished with the spiritual food it provides.
Lord, guide us in studying your word so that we may learn from it and also teach others. Amen.

Have we had any news lately on Deena? I have been so worried because she has not commented or posted.
I am intersted too....keep us posted!!
thanks again........
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