Paul wrote, "It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." -Galatians 2:20
Robert E. Boertien (Oregon, USA)
Recently I overheard my seven-year-old granddaughter Bree identify herself to someone by stating, "I'm a Christian." What a simple yet all-encompassing description! However, most of us tend to identify ourselves by occupation, hobbies, schools we attended, physical attributes, or limitations.
Through the study of scripture we learn that Christian identity is not something we put on or take off, like clothing to match the weather conditions. Identifying ourselves as Christians may not always be to our immediate advantage; yet regardless of the circumstances, we are to thank God that we bear Christ's name. (See 1 Pet. 4:16.)
Although we will not live a sin-free life as Jesus did while on earth, being a Christian means that we continually strive to be like Christ in all of our daily activities, adopting the role of humble servants who minister to the spiritual and physical needs of others. When others ask who we are, or even when we are examining ourselves, our most defining answer is, "I'm a Christian."
Dear God, help us to be like Jesus Christ in all that we do. Forgive us when we forget who we are and fail to live as your children. Amen.
Perspective from Ann

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