Sheryl over at "The Perch" is doing a giveaway...not just any give away...go over for a visit and see for yourself. While you are there, take some time and get to know her. It's a blessing to visit her. A true witness for God.
(more later on my anniversary, and farm chores)

Oh Sherry girl, I hope you had a wonderful anniversary. One with remembrances of the day you were married. The smells, the feelings, and the pure joy you felt that day! If you are still interested in the swap just email me your mailing address to: If life is too crazy, it is perfectly okay. Just be still and let it go. Much love and blessings, angie
WOW! Thank you does not seem adequate. I just happened to look at my stat counter and saw that there was lots of traffic coming from here. I am blown away by your words AND that you have us on your prayer list. You have NO idea how much that means to me.
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