Dear God, show us the road
that you have chosen for us,
and give us the courage
to walk down it... Amen

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Playing in the dirt

Father God, help us to trust and follow you, even when the way ahead is uncertain or threatening. Amen.
Yesterday, Jesse Ray and I played in the dirt. We worked in the friendship garden. There is one thing I do not wish to have dwelling there...Wasps. I was moving some things around, and I was about to pick up a bird house when I realized there may be a nest of something ill tempered inside. I got the wasp and hornet spray and zapped those lil demons. They were "red"...ouch, just made my skin crawl thinking of them. I decided at that moment that we needed to keep them from going back inside. I know this is not a pretty sight, but I think after a while in the weather, it will rust and look much better. We used steel wool. That will surely keep them OUT! It was a fun day, J is such a worker. He is very interested in all the flowers and herbs. I'm thrilled, and it surely did my soul well to dig in the dirt.
Have a Joyous day my friends.

1 comment:

Thistlebrooms said...

Oh My Gosh Sherry, Jesse is growing into such a HANDSOME boy...Always knew he would...He has the sweetest eyes to go along with his wonderful personality!!!
Bless You & Yours...M