Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.
-Matthew 12:34
-Matthew 12:34
HARSH words had cascaded from my mouth with the force of rushing water. Ouch! I immediately wanted to take back the hurtful remark. However, just like rushing water, the words could not be stopped nor their force negated. I had scolded my small daughter. It wasn't that the words weren't true - or even justified. They were just more harsh than the situation required. However, like raging water, the words moved on - unable to be called back.
Our words reflect what is in our hearts. As Jesus said, "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Therefore, when my heart is brimming with an emotion, that feeling will leak or perhaps even spout out of my mouth. If I have unresolved sin or guilt in my heart, at some point my mouth will reveal it.
I used to pray to say the right things or not to say the wrong things. That prayer, however, did not seem to be answered. Negative words still cascaded from my mouth. Now I realize that the problem goes deeper than my words. I need to ask Christ to move in my heart to correct my wrong attitudes. If my heart is filled with love, that opens the way for kind and appropriate words to flow from my mouth.
Leigh W. Young
Heavenly Father, cleanse our hearts so that our words reflect your love. In Christ's name. Amen.
I so much needed to read this this morning! So glad I found you here today. Just the name of your blog touched my soul, and I want to thank you for your post! These are times for me when "gathering hope" is perhaps the most important thing going on in my heart. But it is so great to know where my hope lies, and that I trust in a God who is the root of my hope! I'll be back!!!!!
Bless you!
Thank you so much for your beautiful words & reflections. Such a true and meaningful message to me personally.
Your blog is so lovely. I'm glad I found you tonight and am looking forward to reading more.
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