Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6
Yesterday I met with a financial advisor, a wonderful Christian man who described his role as that ofMore thoughts in my message box...thank you kindly for sharing E!
assisting me in "wealth management".
I've always gratefully acknowledged that, just by being born in this country, I am abundantly wealthy in comparison with most of the world's population.
Still, I chuckled to myself at his words.
My financial status as a retired teacher/part-time library clerk hardly merits the term "wealth".
But I sought his counsel, so we talked about my goals for the future and my desires for how my estate will be distributed at my death.
He's never met my granddaughter, but after 90 minutes of my unbiased reporting, he is now fully informed of her brilliant mind, thus better qualified to guide me towards one of my goals - establishing a trust fund for her college education.
To my delight, two-year-old Leigha has spent the last two weekends with me.
My entire dwelling and schedule have been converted into "Toddlerville".
These visits have stirred in me a renewed appreciation for mothers of young children and
a relaxed standard of expectations for their personal appearance and hygiene.
When do they ever find time to shower???
I like to rise early and sit in my rocker with a mug of coffee and my Bible.
Most days, Oswald Chambers (deceased, yet still speaking through "My Utmost for His Highest")
or Bob Gass (alive and author of "The Word for You Today") guide me in devotional thoughts, followed by some time reading through the Word.
It's precious, long stretches of uninterrupted time - a gift of this season of my life - and a luxury that most mothers do not have.
I've grown dependent on this time. I crave it.
So each morning, as Leigha slumbered on, I'd tiptoe to my quiet little corner for my daily "fix" before our busy day began.
And each morning, no matter how early I rose or how quietly I moved about, my quiet time was soon interrupted by the padding of little feet seeking me out.
With tousled hair and fists rubbing sleep from her eyes, she'd yawn, "Hold you, Moco".
Setting my Bible aside, I'd pull this precious bundle onto my lap to snuggle and breathe in the
sweet, sweaty smell of her.
Moments later, her second request followed, "Juice, Moco".
Her sippy cup of juice is like my morning mug of coffee, so I recognized the urgency of her request and immediately filled her cup, then we'd head back to the rocker.
A prolonged chug followed by the sound of the suction-seal being broken as she pulled the sippy cup from her lips, and her third comment of the day, "Read Bible, Moco".
I'd pick up my Bible and read - just a few verses that she doesn't even understand - and then her body kicked into high gear and she was off and running, with me following close behind.
On the third morning, just before she found me in my rocker, I was reading in Isaiah, and stumbled over this sweet promise of God:
"As for me, this is my covenant with them," says the Lord.
"My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever," says the Lord. Isaiah 59:21
"My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever," says the Lord. Isaiah 59:21
As I reflect on the desires of my heart and what I truly want to leave behind,
I can think of no greater inheritance than the Word of God planted in Leigha's heart.
That's what I call true "wealth management".

1 comment:
Such profound reflections.
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