Rejoice with those who rejoice.
Weep with those who weep. -Romans 12:9-15
Inbox from Jill-
Lee passed away on Saturday evening. The Dr. gave six months with not treatment options. I'm grieving with this family, but there is relief that he did not suffer. Pray for the family, and for Lee and Jill who will be making decisions about travel.
Thank you for the messages of concern. I know Todd & Jill thank you also. She is Jill Peterson- Frontier Homestead. Lee is Todd's brother.
Lee passed away on Saturday evening. The Dr. gave six months with not treatment options. I'm grieving with this family, but there is relief that he did not suffer. Pray for the family, and for Lee and Jill who will be making decisions about travel.
Thank you for the messages of concern. I know Todd & Jill thank you also. She is Jill Peterson- Frontier Homestead. Lee is Todd's brother.

Who is this ??
who's Jill
love ya
Beautiful uplifting blog, I will visit often
I am so sorry for Jill and Todd. My prayers will be with all of Lee's family.
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