Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! -Psalm 150:6
I've made a special keepsake box...
for holding memories.
I'll send it to one of you. Just leave a comment on how someone
has blessed your life, helping you in a time of need.
It can also be a thanksgiving of family, friends. Feel free to share more than one if you wish.
I'll add all the entry names in the box, and let Cody or Jesse Ray draw. Let's say, one week from today. I'll post the winner here - Friday, October, 10...early in the morn.
I've covered a much aged mache box with the loveliest of pumpkin calico...lid is covered with dirty quilting cloth. Inside I've tucked an old vintage postcard, which can be replaced with your own family photos. I've added seed, (from my friendship garden), to a tiny linen pouch, for starting your own.
I've made a hanging pinkeep, with HARVEST worked in all the wonderful Autumn colors. I hope you will enjoy this "pay-it-forward", and also enjoy reading the stories friends will share.
***If your not a blogger, make sure I'm able to contact you. If you don't want to add your email information, just send it to me privately~ blaircreek@hotmail.com
Here's but a small list of mine-
The promise He made
Mom & Dad ~ Karen & Elaine
Jesse Ray
Friends who send encouragement
Every person who's purchased something from me
The message from a stranger, (now new friend)- it made the "big picture" so very clear to me
Wise words from my friend in Texas
Remember your blessings...they are far greater than your troubles.
I've made a special keepsake box...

for holding memories.
I'll send it to one of you. Just leave a comment on how someone
has blessed your life, helping you in a time of need.
It can also be a thanksgiving of family, friends. Feel free to share more than one if you wish.
I'll add all the entry names in the box, and let Cody or Jesse Ray draw. Let's say, one week from today. I'll post the winner here - Friday, October, 10...early in the morn.
I've covered a much aged mache box with the loveliest of pumpkin calico...lid is covered with dirty quilting cloth. Inside I've tucked an old vintage postcard, which can be replaced with your own family photos. I've added seed, (from my friendship garden), to a tiny linen pouch, for starting your own.
I've made a hanging pinkeep, with HARVEST worked in all the wonderful Autumn colors. I hope you will enjoy this "pay-it-forward", and also enjoy reading the stories friends will share.

Here's but a small list of mine-
The promise He made
Mom & Dad ~ Karen & Elaine
Jesse Ray
Friends who send encouragement
Every person who's purchased something from me
The message from a stranger, (now new friend)- it made the "big picture" so very clear to me
Wise words from my friend in Texas
Remember your blessings...they are far greater than your troubles.

OH MY..tis just lovely..and I know how wonderful it will be in "real life" ..your work is awesome and I treasure each piece I have.
I read about this on Deena's blog and since I am also a Sherry I felt I had to come and join.
I was positively blessed when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 years ago...people that I never expected to come forward did and I learned the important lesson that sometimes what happens to us allows other people to discover that they are a blessing in this world.
The Lord sends me multitudes of blessings each day; however, each time I read SweetAnnee's blog I am uplifted and humbled at the same time. She is a constant example of Christian strength.
I just found your blog and I am so very thankful for having found it!
I have a colleague who is caring and nurturing...she checks in with me in a very quiet way...she's truly an angel.
The first time I heard his voice, he blessed my life. We talked on the phone for a month telling each other how we felt about each other and devoting our lives to each other before we ever laid eyes on each other. That was 26 years ago. And the teenage boy that I fell in love with has blessed my life in so many ways. I can't imagine my life without him.
Posting for Ter'e
I am not sure "where" to add the comments on who has blessed my life the most. I have two people I would like to comment on.
First, would be my foster mother, Barbara. I was introduced to this family in 1962. I was 14 years old. A very difficult age for any young girl. I was placed into this family, who had a Dad, a 6 year old sister and one other foster child. I lived with Barbara and Ray until I was almost 17. Periodically, the courts would move me back into my Mother's home ----- only to find that she was not stable enough to raise me. I would leave there, live on the streets for awhile, and then would find my way back into the court system and brought back to Barbara and Ray's home. The years I had with my "new family" really molded me into being the person I am today..........some 42 years later.
My foster father is gone now.........but my "Mom" Barbara and I talk 2-3 times a week. My own Mother passed in 1969. To me, Barbara symbolizes what a Mother TRULY should be. I love her dearly. To this day, most people do not realize I am "the foster child" ------ they think that I am a true member of this family. I grew into a younger version of "Barbara". Thank the Lord for this blessing.
Secondly, the other person who has truly blessed my life, is my husband David. We met when I had come out of a disasterous marriage ---- it was love at first sight. We worked for the same company ---- he in KY and me in OH. 3 months after we met, he asked my oldest daughter (14) for my hand in marriage and we were married 6 months from that time. We have never looked back. David raised my three children (14, 12 and 8) and has truly become the father they did not have. He is my rock. He is my love. He's the very reason I get up each morning and start the day.
The children are grown now, and have children of their own. Each with their own families. David and I are walking, together, hand in hand, into our 60's and are deeply grateful we found one another. There's something to be said for "the second time around". It is so much sweeter now. And, btw, even in their adult years ------ the kids never fail to hug David and tell him how much they love them. Like the blessing I received with my foster mom, Barbara, you would never guess they are not his children!!!!!
So, Dear Sherry, please add my story to "the group". Thank you so much for doing this. What excitement!!!!!!!
This is just so nice! I remember when my dad passed away and we had the visitation a particular friend came to it and was just a quiet, soothing presence for me. She was exactly what I needed at that time and I don't know how she knew. It's at the difficult times in our lives that we truly discover who our "real" friends are.
I just found your blog through Deanna and not sure how I found Deanne but am glad I did.
Two years when my 28 year marriage suddenly ended I thought my world would end. Then just 6 months later I faced some serious health problems and 2 surgeries. It was the support and love of my friends and family that helped me get through this terrible ordeal and I bless them every day for being there for me. I am finding my way back.
I was truly blessed about 8 years ago, the Lord saved me from a terrible car accident in which the doctors said i should have died. Their words were "It's a Miracle she is alive"
With that being said, i am thankful for my husband, who loves me for me, for my children, and my 3 year old grandaughter who brings great joy to my life. I also am thankful for the simple things in life, I am not a materialistic girl. I just found your blog through your picturetrail site. What a blessing you are for doing this giveaway.
I have been truly blessed in many ways. One momentous occasion was in 1987 near Christmas. I was a single mother and we were struggling to make ends meet even though I was working. We had little food in the house. One cold morning, there was a knock on the door. I answered and was surprised to see what looked like a homeless man. He asked for something to eat and a hot drink. Though we had little, I offered him some toast and peanut butter and a hot cup of tea. He accepted and thanked me for the food and hot tea. I also gave him a pair of my deceased husband's gloves, a scarf and some other warm clothing. I gave it to him and ran back into the house for something. When I returned he had disappeared. I ran to the corner and couldn't see him. I went to the other corner and he was nowhere in sight.
On Christmas Eve, a taxi driver knocked on the door and delivered a large box of food of every description. When I asked him who sent it he said the man wouldn't give his name but he looked like he was homeless. My guardian angel? I have no idea but I was truly blessed.
I enjoyed visiting with you and thanks for the memories.
Not a day goes by that I don't look into my son's face and see the true meaning of God's grace...I became a mother 18 years ago at age 23 with a daughter...I knew we were to someday have another child...
Six years ago at age 35 I was diagnosed with cancer and was given 6 month to a year to live..I had a peace that only God can give and knew this not to be true...I knew we were to have another child...
After treatment,surgeries, and many test...I was in remission...I left without a voice and only partial vocal chords that worked...Doctors didn't know if I'd speak again...But someday I wanted to sing or hum to a child...Then God graced me with my voice...
In 2005 I suffered a miscarriage and I prayed that God would have to take the feeling away if we weren't to have another child...But he didn't!!!..In Feb 2006 I became pregnant again...At one point we thought we had lost him, and were told he would have down syndrome,and brain damage...Through it all I felt peace and told everyone he was fine....
On Nov 13,2006{my great-grandmother's birthday} he came into this world...The first words I spoke to him were "I've been waiting so long for you"....My son has no down syndrome or brain damage...
He will soon be 2 and I enjoy my days with him and being a mother to a 18-year old and a 22-month old is such a blessing from God!!I sing to my son and hum to him everyday...I'm a blessed woman!!
I am blessed by Him ...
I have wonderful, supportive, parents; a wonderful husband that serves our country, beautiful, bright children (daughter and son) ...
I have been blessed with 3 great brothers and their families....
and extended family too …
and I am blessed to have a friend that I can call when I need to talk to someone everyday, several times a day 3000 miles away
I am blessed to have found Sara ... who led me to Deena, who led me here to find you ....
Prim Blessin's,
I found your blog give away from reading Deena's blog this evening. I read all of the comments/blessings from your follow readers. Isn't it amazing how the Internet and blogland have bought together so many wonderful people in all walks of life with so many different illness/life/love/children stories? I am always amazed at the stories posted, but the comments left for this blog give way should be in a book of blessings. Every entry is a winner in life and love. Having God, family and friends are everyday blessings. Through heartache, illness, and loneliness we are dealt with disappointments and happiness. Sharing our stories gives way for strength and a feeling of connection with others.
I am blessed to have a husband help me with a disabling disease.
Blessed to have a opportunity to read all the wonderful blogs of such beautiful and caring people.
I am writing this comment not for the prize but to say thank you for all of you for sharing your interests and lives on your blogs.
Thank you for sharing and offering a beautiful treasure!
Sherry, I found your blog through Deanna's blog.
I am blessed with each new day for you see I am a ten year ovarian cancer survivor.
I have been blessed lately with new friends as I have just started a blog to try and help bring awareness and help raise money to find a cure, so that others will not have to go through what Deena and I have gone through. Your work is awesome and I hope I win..lol. Big Blessed Hugs Deb
Found your blog from Deena's...this is so lovely and thoughtful.
My grandparents blessed my life in so many ways. They were all there for me during my childhood and my teen years. My dad's dad left for heaven first, but he left me his love that has never died and I feel it often. My grandmoms left me their love of simple things and their down to earth natures. My other grandfather left me his smile that I see at times I need it most...
Best wishes to you and yours..
~ Sherry and "Gathering Hope" has blessed my life in unspeakable ways, every day~
The love, blessings, and prayers that are poured out to me from wonderful folks in the antique world each day~
The unconditional love from Ezra and Early when they give me dog hugs....
These things and so much more make each day a gift of blessing beyond measure from HIM.
What a generous and beautiful giveaway! You are a sweetheart Sherry.
"Count your many blessings"...and yes, there are many blessings in my life.
Family; husband, child 1 and 2 :), friends, the gift of health, a Christian home growing up, life and each and everyday God gives.
What a beautiful blog and a beautiful idea to share our blessings. God has blessed me more than I deserve and more than I could ever imagine. A loving, always supportive husband and two thoughtful, amazing sons. And finding an inclusive active church that stresses service. Who knew that God could be so great?!
God is good all the time,
All the time God is good.
Blessings to you, Patti
I have been blessed many times in my life but my mom is my biggest blessing. She is a strong independent woman who took care of 3 girls all alone. Growing up in a family with an alcoholic father who died very young she had no choice but to go out and find a job to raise us. She worked hard providing us with everything we needed but mostly her love and her guidance. As hard as it must have been for her she lived for her children. She put everything else on hold to make sure her kids had a good education and enough love to keep us on the right road. She is a blessing in my life everyday.
My mother is a great blessing in my life. We can share anything in a non-judgmental, loving way. With Mom there is always unconditional love.
My parents were/are my greatest blessing. Although my parents are both deceased, I think of daily and miss them terribly. After my Mama died, Daddy lived with us for 4 years until he died. I would not take a million dollars for that time I was able to spend with him. I was able to give back to him, in some smll way, what he gave to me growing up. My heart actually hurts I miss him so much, but it also sings from the memories. I am truly blessed to have had such wonderful and loving parents.
I also have to say I have been blessed by discovering "Can I Be Pretty In Pink". She is a beautiful soul. She is truly an inspiration
I have always admired your work and your love of God! You are a wonderful inspiration to others. Your beautiful spirit radiates even over the great web. Thank you for sharing that with all of us!
Hugs, Angie
What a wonderful giveaway. I have visited your blog before & your picture trail. You truly are an inspiration. The love you have for our Lord shines through in all ways. I cannot pinpoint one way that I have been blessed. I have gone through some very bad times in my life but God has given me the strenth to get through them but he has also blessed me with a wonderful husband, family, and friends.
Blessings to you,
Oh...My... I just found your blog. What a BLeSSiNg it has been for me by just reading through your archives. You have been an inspiration to me this day, the day the Lord hath made.
Absolutely love your creations & the talent you put forth. I would be very much appreciative to receive such a treasure. Thank you for giving me a chance to inherit one of your treasures.
Blessings 2 you on this AuTuMn DaY, Pamela
I just found your blog and I am so very thankful for having found it!
Every time I come across a blog that praise God is a blessing
and an inspiration to me.
May God make your day picture-perfect in every way.
Blessings, Virginia
I found your blog and I'm so glad I did, I've been blessed so many times that it's hard to count them!
I went thur a bad divorce but had faith in God that he would see me thur and he did. Ten years later I met again a great guy that I had went to Jr. high and highschool with, he also had a bad marriage. So god decided to join us together and we are so happy, we are so right for each other!
I would be truly blessed to recieve the wonderful giveaway, have a wonderful day! I'll add you to my favs:)
I found your blog thru Angie of Simple thyme Prims, what a wonderful blog!! I also love your giveaway, you do beautiful work!!
I have been so Blessed in my life first by my Lord and Savior,but then He brought my awesome hubby into my life! I truely have a Blessed life with him, has it always been an easy one? no but he is an awesome hardworking guy who loves to spoil me!
Have a very Blessed day!
I found your blog thru Angie of Simple thyme Prims, what a wonderful blog!! I also love your giveaway, you do beautiful work!!
I have been so Blessed in my life first by my Lord and Savior,but then He brought my awesome hubby into my life! I truely have a Blessed life with him, has it always been an easy one? no but he is an awesome hardworking guy who loves to spoil me!
Have a very Blessed day!
I found your blog thru Angie of Simple thyme Prims, what a wonderful blog!! I also love your giveaway, you do beautiful work!!
I have been so Blessed in my life first by my Lord and Savior,but then He brought my awesome hubby into my life! I truely have a Blessed life with him, has it always been an easy one? no but he is an awesome hardworking guy who loves to spoil me!
Have a very Blessed day!
Sherry ~ this is such a beautiful and thoughtful gesture!
My blessings are innumerable ~ Christ's love, my family, Christian parents. As for specifics, there are also many, but a couple years ago, when my Mama passed away, I was flooded with love from friends (in person and online) who sent me words of wisdom and comfort. Thank you for causing us to think and remember our blessings.
What a beautiful piece this is! I'd love to share the person who has blessed me...my husband. We are high school sweethearts now married for 14 years. We have shared many triumphs and many heartaches together. In 2000 our oldest child passed away suddenly from a congenital heart defect and he was (and still is) my rock. Always unwavering... Thanks for letting me share...
I feel as though I have been blessed by blogland. I am home bound for the most part--by finances. All my life's friends became distant and stopped visiting and calling. It is as if they left the earth. My new friends via the blogs are there for me every day. I feel appreciated and loved. My husband agrees. He says I am happier than I have been for a long while. It is good to have someone to talk to.
What a wonderful gift you have and a great idea for a giveaway..
We would be here all day if I named all my blessings. But my family is truly a blessing. My daughter Ashley has been in the hospital 3 times since July and I really don't know how she has bee so strong, she was scared but it made me stronger seeing her go though what she did and still smile at me and tell me she loves me everyday. Yes I am blessed with my sweet Ashie Jo!!
I love your giveaway, and would be so proud to have it in my home.
I am so thankful and blessed to have wonderful online friends that visit my blog and cheer me up when I'm down. Through the 'web' I have met so many wonderful caring people. I have been struggling with heart troubles, fibro, and now MS, but the other blogs I have found have truly lifted me to a better place. I will visit your blog often now that I have found you.
Wooly hugs,
Hey Sherry~~
I just wanted to share....the one that I can count on the most is God! He is always there for me in my journey thru life! He has blessed me greatly with a wonderful hubby and great kids! And of course one grandkid! Always turn to the Lord in your times of need!
Thanks again for ALL that you do here in blog-land!!
For Him.........
Lori Hull
To my Dear Sherry, After reading all of the inspirational postings and learning the hurdles that these good people have overcome, I see that I am overwhelmed with blessings!
I am blessed to know and be known by the Lord.
I am blessed by my three children, Darcy, Kelly and Steve and the 7 grandchildren they share with Gary and I.
I am blessed with my husband Gary, and the lessons of humility, patience and humor that he teaches me everyday as we deal with his debilitating disease.
I am blessed with my good friend Donna, always there for me.
I am blessed to see that your beautiful family is holding it together and celebrating the milestones in your lives....Happy Birthday to you and Jesse Ray!
I am blessed to have happened upon your blog all those months ago and to have gained a wonderful new friend, and am so happy to see you back again..........Love, Karen
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