Dear God, show us the road
that you have chosen for us,
and give us the courage
to walk down it... Amen

Monday, October 6, 2008

We are Rich!

Cast all your anxiety on [God], because he cares for you. -1 Peter 5:7

From todays Upper Room-a fitting note for our economy struggles...
When we cast our anxieties on God, God will sustain and comfort us.

I had taken out a commercial loan to help support the construction of a hospital we needed in our community. The time to repay this large amount of money was approaching. I became anxious and unhappy because I did not have the money to pay the loan.

Then I stopped to think about all the blessings in my life. I thought of my wife and my children, my house, my work, my friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ, my parents, all the beautiful experiences of my life. I am rich! I told myself.

I felt ashamed. Kneeling, I gave thanks to God and asked for forgiveness, casting all my anxieties on God. After my prayer, I felt at peace and happy, as if everything had been taken care of.

Days later, I received a letter from my sister in Ohio. Since she was going through some rough times in her life, with her husband and her daughter in the hospital, I opened the letter with some trepidation. To my surprise, inside the letter was a check for exactly the amount I needed to repay my loan. My sister was repaying me for a loan I had made to her and forgotten.
(Angel M. Mattos-Nieves)

Lord, remind us every day that you are willing and able to supply all our needs if we trust in you. Amen.

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